Final average salary (FAS) means the average of the remuneration paid to a member by a participating employer during
the fiscal year ending June 30 as defined in ATRS Rule 7 (I.) Calculation of Final Average Salary

Active members as of June 30, 2018, will receive a three (3) year final average salary benchmark. Beginning July 1, 2018, the higher of the three (3) year benchmark or five (5) year final average salary will be used for the calculation of benefits at retirement or entry into T-DROP.

Inactive members' benefits will be calculated using a five (5) year final average salary.

Additionally per ACA § 24-7-736, salaries used in the calculation of final average salary are ordered from lowest to highest by remuneration. No salary shall exceed 110% of the previous highest salary (also known as anti-spiking) unless the differential between the salaries is less than $5,000.00. 

Please contact us for more information or help in calculating a final average salary.